One of the biggest issues we face in our properties, is the issue surrounding mould, damp and condensation.
If left untreated, mould and damp can be a health hazard and cause respiratory issues. It is your responsibility, as a tenant, to ensure that you take all precautionary steps to prevent the cause of damp, mould and condensation.
Air your property: Ensure that windows are kept open time to time. This will allow air to pass freely around the property which can release trapped moisture. Even when it’s cold, moisture can easily be trapped inside our properties.
Keep doors closed: Keep bathroom or kitchen doors closed when in use. This will prevent moisture from spreading to other parts of the property.
If you have been provided with extractor fans, ensure these are used frequently. Especially in the bathroom and kitchen where you have high levels of moisture.
Wipe away condensation: Ensure that you clean any droplets of water from windows or frames on a daily basis. This will minimise the spread and cause of black mould. You can use a rag or towel to wipe away condensation. Micro fibre cloths are especially brilliant as they are incredibly absorbent.
Turn your heating on: Running your heating can minimise cold spots around the house. It can dry out damp which can minimise the cause of black mould.
Dry clothes in a ventilated area: It is always best practice to avoid drying clothes on radiators. It is best to dry clothes in ventilated areas; areas that have extractor fans. This will prevent any moisture from building up which can cause damp and mould.
Always leave windows open to allow free flow of air to allow any moisture to escape.
Look out for leaks: Leaky window frames, pipeworks, walls and doors are also a source of moisture. Not only can this damage the property but this can lead to damp and black mould.
If you spot any leaks, ensure that you use a bucket or bowl to collect the drips and report the issue via our maintenance page.